This is a substation.

There are 55,000 of them spread across the United States.

They’re the reason you have lights, heat, and electricity.

However, if any 9 of them get knocked out...

It’s “lights out.”

Not just for your home...

But for ALL of America.

That’s how fragile our power grid is.

And unless you make one tiny tweak to your home’s circuit breaker... you and your family will get swallowed by the catastrophic event that’s on its way

That’s why I created this presentation.

My name is Paul Grabowski.

I’m a faithful Christian, a devoted husband, a plumber by trade, and I teach martial arts in my spare time.

And today, I’m going to reveal a monumental threat that could topple our brittle power grid...

Sending us into complete darkness — for months, or even years.

And it could happen as early as next week.

America could end up looking like Venezuela.

Utter chaos... and a crippled economy.

All because of a nationwide power grid failure.

That’s what some of the top military officials and U.S. Senators are now predicting.

I’m going to explain how I know all of this...


How I lost almost EVERYTHING, discovering this secret.

I’m also going to show you the one tiny tweak I made to my home’s circuit breaker...

That allowed me and my family to get as much electricity as we need...

Without relying on the power grid.

I suggest you follow in my footsteps...

And do EXACTLY what I say... if you want to keep your loved ones safe.

Because if you think our country is in rough shape now...

You have no idea.

Because things are about to get a whole ‘lot worse.

And there’s nothing our current administration can do about it.

In fact, they’ve kept tight-lipped about this situation for quite some time.

However, in a moment...

I’m going to reveal recently declassified government documents — that PROVE:

America’s fragile power grid is about to come crashing down.

And no one is going to see it coming.

However, if you listen to this short message until the very end...

And make the one tiny tweak to your home’s circuit breaker...

You will position yourself to not only survive...

But to THRIVE in what could become the longest...


Darkest period America has ever faced.

Since we don’t have much time...

Let’s dive in.

As I’ve said before, my name is Paul Grabowski.

I’m a master plumber, born and raised in Artesia, New Mexico.

Life here has been pretty steady for the most part.

What I’m about to reveal next is VERY important...

However, I’ll make it brief, because frankly...

It’s hard for me to talk about.

As you may already know, New Mexico experienced one of the worst snowstorms in history this year.1,2

As a result, our home lost power and my wife and two young kids had ZERO heat for 13 hours.

It was THE worst night of our lives...

Because not only were we freezing and afraid...

But we also lost our 8-month-old puppy, Bella.

That day, I made an oath to myself...

I would NEVER allow my family to be put into that situation again

This time we lost our puppy.

But who’s to say that next time it couldn’t be one of our kids?

I made it my personal mission to find a way to power our home...

And to give us as much electricity and heat as we needed...

Without having to depend on the BASTARD energy companies.

Because if I truly wanted to protect my family...

And guarantee our safety and survival in case of an emergency, God forbid...

I couldn’t depend on ANYONE.

Not our government...

Not FEMA...

And certainly not the greedy electric companies.

Because if there’s one thing I learned...

When shit hits the fan and affects a lot of people at once...

You’re on your own.

That day, I immediately hopped on my computer and started hunting for solutions.

But as I researched power alternatives...

I stumbled onto something disturbing —

A report that claimed... how the recent blackouts in Texas and New Mexico were just the “tip of the iceberg.”

And how there is a MUCH BIGGER threat “lurking beneath the surface.”

One that could sink our entire power grid, literally overnight.

Now, normally I don’t pay attention to this sort of stuff...

I’m not a conspiracy “nut” by any means.

But when I learned this report was written by National Security Experts...

I knew I should take it seriously.

These experts also claimed that our power grid — the backbone of our country — was built on an “aging skeleton”... and was about to snap.

As I dug deeper into these claims...

I soon discovered that a power grid failure wouldn’t even have to last long to cripple an entire country.

Take Venezuela for instance.

A little over a year ago, they experienced a nationwide blackout for only 5 days3...

And it was sheer panic for months.

Hospitals couldn’t function...

Doctors couldn’t use medical equipment to save lives...

Elevators went out — making it impossible to give patients the care they needed...


Patients who suffered from minor ailments that could easily be treated otherwise... DIED.

And things STILL aren’t back to normal in Venezuela.

And as it turns out...

These power grid failures have been happening more and more — even in the United States.

In fact, between 2000 and 2004...

There were 149 power outages across the country.

But between 2005 and 2009...

That number more than doubled.

A total of 349 power grid failures were reported in an independent study from the University of Minnesota.4

And the worst part is, I had to dig this information out on my own.

Simply because the mainstream media ISN’T reporting it.

Probably because our current administration either doesn’t care — or they don’t want to incite nationwide panic.

So, as usual...

They’ve been sweeping these increasing blackouts “under the rug.”

Then, I found a recently-declassified document from Homeland Security which strongly implied...

These recent blackouts were just the “tip of the iceberg.”

See, due to the recent surge in terrorism, the risk of cyber attacks “completely crippling” America’s power grid is at an all-time high.5

And it doesn’t matter if these attacks come from Russia, China, the Taliban...

Or a small terrorist cell...

If Homeland Security was right...

Then America has NEVER been this vulnerable.

As I kept plowing through the research, I stumbled on a leaked report from the FERC...

That’s the federal agency that regulates all of our electricity.6

It seems that terrorists have already begun “probing for weaknesses” in our outdated power grid7...

And the FERC seems to believe a COLOSSAL terrorist attack...

Capable of completely wiping out our power grid...

And sending us into a “black apocalypse”...

Could happen at any moment.

In fact, they’re referring to this event as “Blackout Day”

See, according to this report...

There are over 55,000 substations in the U.S. that our power grid depends on.

And if JUST 9 of them get knocked out...

We could see a nationwide blackout lasting 18 months, or MORE!

This isn’t some conspiracy theory, either...

It’s leaked intelligence from the U.S. government.”

In fact, a growing number of U.S. Senators have come out of the woodwork with their own concerns about this impending threat.

They even held a conference recently...

Where the top U.S. National Security Officials and other high-ranking politicians discussed the severity of this threat.

United States Ambassador, James Woolsey said:

“[A threat to our power grid from a terrorist organization] is more serious than a nuclear threat.”8

And Joseph McClelland, Director of THE government organization that manages our power grid security — the OEIS — said:

When terrorists finally DO topple our power grid...

The damage could be so catastrophic “[it could] quickly undermine the U.S. Government, its military, and the economy...

... as well as endangering the health and safety of millions of Americans.”9

And when McClelland was asked to give his professional opinion on how long he thought we could be without power once an attack finally DOES happen...

He said, “...for a period of years.”10

Naturally, this sent chills up and down the spines of the U.S. officials at this conference.

The next question on everyone’s mind was:

How soon could a terrorist attack (on our power grid) actually happen?

And that’s when NASA scientist, Dr. Richard Garwin stood up and said:

It “might occur next week.”11

Can you believe that?

As early as next week, every state...

Every city...

Every home in the United States could lose all of its electricity — for years...

And there is NOTHING our government can do about it.

And what would happen if America actually lost all of its power?

Well, according to Bridgett Bourge — the President of the NRECA:

A power grid failure would have a SEVERE impact... “on our hospitals, our transportation, and our fuel lines.”12

And without these things... America would be CRIPPLED.

Imagine living without electricity for the next one-and-a-half years — or more?

No lights...

No phones...

No internet...

No refrigeration...

No heat...

And no water.

All because every single one of these necessities depends on our brittle power grid.

I couldn’t help but think...

What they’re describing sounds like it could be A MILLION TIMES worse than September 11th.

I mean, this last year has already been crazy.

How much crazier things could get?

Would America turn into a real-life Mad Max movie... if our power grid went down?

Would people split-up into small but RUTHLESS gangs...

Wearing their own homemade “costumes”...

Carrying machetes and anything else they could turn into a weapon... as they HUNTED for remnant power sources?

Would the world as we know it revert to the “Dark Ages”?

I mean, the last Dark Age — which lasted 900 years — happened at the fall of the Roman Empire.13

And many experts believe that America — the Last Empire — is overdue for a fall.14

Could Blackout Day be the catalyst that ignites this collapse?

And if America’s power grid shatters...

Would energy become more valuable than water, guns, or gold?

Would it become the “new currency”?

I don’t have the answer to these questions...

However, I am certain of one thing...

If these experts — many of whom are high-ranking government officials — were even 1% right...

Then not only would I need an alternative power source...

But I’d need a bulletproof plan to protect my family...

As America gets thrust into the land of wolves.

So, I dropped everything...

And quickly began to scour the internet at a feverish pace, looking for alternative power.

And within a few hours, I only found two potential solutions...

The first of which being:

Back-up Generators

Now, although back-up generators might sound like a good idea...

They have one MAJOR flaw...

They need fuel.

And I think it’s safe to assume that once the power goes out...

People are going to panic.

And they’re going to buy up as much propane... diesel... or any other fuel you need to run a back-up generator.

What’s more, if Blackout Day lasts even a tiny FRACTION of the time government officials believe it’s going to last...

No amount of fuel will help.

And I certainly didn’t want to store fuel in my home...

Where I could expose my family to carbon monoxide poisoning.

And to add insult to injury, back-up generators cost a fortune!

About $15,000 a pop.

So, I scrapped that idea.

The other option was:

Solar Panels

Now, not only are solar panels more expensive than back-up generators...

They’re NOTORIOUS for breaking down

So, if I were to install solar panels in my home...

I’d need to hire a maintenance guy at some point.

And when Blackout Day arrives...

Do you really think the solar panel company is going to send a maintenance guy to my house?

Hell no.

They’re going to be panicking like the rest of us.

So, I scrapped that idea too.

I slumped in my chair and realized... this was hopeless.

Not only did I fail to find an alternative power solution to keep my family safe...

But I was now terrified of our country reverting to the Dark Ages as a result of the upcoming Blackout Day.

And according to those government reports, it wasn’t a question of IF... but WHEN.

I felt so overwhelmed... that I just about gave up.

And that’s when I received an emergency call — about a “standard” old basement leak... that changed everything.

Because it led me to discover an incredibly powerful technology...

That would give me and my family:



And renewable energy...

For when we needed it most.

I got a call one evening about a pipe leak from my brother-in-law, Adam

Adam is an electrical engineer just outside of Roswell.

I don’t know exactly where he works... because he’s pretty “hush hush” about it...

But I DO know that EVEN his wife isn’t allowed on the property.

When I arrived at Adam’s home...

I followed him downstairs to the basement.

Knee-deep in water, I began fixing the leak as quickly as I could...

But I wasn’t quick enough.

As the lights snapped off and we plunged into darkness...

I knew the water had just killed the circuit breaker.

But within seconds, the lights flickered and kicked back on even brighter...

Which made ZERO sense...

Because the circuit breaker was now completely submerged under water.

And there was no sound of a back-up generator either.

So I asked Adam...

“Hey, how the hell are the lights still on?”

Adam’s eyes scattered around the room as he pretended not to hear the question.

So I said...

“Come on, man... we’re f***en family.”

I could see my words chipping away at his resistance.

Adam hesitated, but kept silent.

Then, like a sledgehammer, I delivered one final blow...

“Adam, if we never lost power...

Bella would still be with us...

And you KNOW how much she loved you...”

Adam sighed, then shuffled over to one of the metal compartments on the wall...

Opened it...

And pulled out a smooth, metallic orb — no bigger than a tennis ball.

The orb radiated a vibrant, blue, pulsating light...

Which illuminated the weird cluster of symbols written on the walls...

A solar system of hieroglyphics and complex mathematical formulas that made absolutely NO sense to me...

I couldn’t tell if it was ancient Egyptian...

Or some other, far, distant language.

Who the hell was my brother-in-law... and where did this mysterious orb come from?

I continued to drill Adam with questions, until I finally got some answers.

He explained how this soundless orb was called an “Infinity Coil.”

It was based on Nikola Tesla’s invention — the Tesla Coil — and a new electromagnetic invention which works based on “vortex mathematics.”15

When Adam saw the dumb look on my face, he explained:

Just like how a magnet pulls metal towards it...

The Infinity Coil uses the earth’s magnetic fields to literally pull energy out of thin air.

This is the same technology used to power military aircrafts16... NASA space engines17... Lockheed Martin... and a lot of the “impossible-to-believe” propulsion projects at JPL in Caltech.18

Adam said it was thanks to this device, he was able to keep power in the house, despite DROWNING his circuit breaker.

He also mentioned how this technology wouldn’t be available to the public for AT LEAST 10 years

But no matter how hard I begged and pleaded...

Adam couldn’t sell me the exact Infinity Coil he had (because he didn’t want to get in trouble at work)...

“Adam, I don’t know exactly who you work for...

And frankly, I don’t want to know.

But I’m guessing you’re one of the few people who knows how vulnerable our power grid is...

And you KNOW what’s coming.”

Adam took a deep breath... and I knew I had him.

The next day, I logged into my computer and opened Adam’s email...

Which had the subject line:


... in all caps.

It included detailed instructions on how to make my own very own Infinity Coil.

I quickly made a list of the supplies I’d need.

However, I was skeptical...

The supplies in Adam’s email were so inexpensive...

You could literally make his “off grid” energy device for less than $120.

And I was certain I could find most of the items lying around in my garage — or in a junkyard.

But Adam said it’s NOT about the parts themselves..

But how the parts are configured... that makes the Infinity Coil work so well.

When I returned home from the hardware store, I immediately got to work.

And after several grueling hours...

Taking only a few short breaks to get some food...

I made my very own Infinity Coil-inspired, off-grid energy device

It was time to test it.

So, I grabbed a table lamp.

I plugged it in...

Turned the Infinity Coil “on”...



A complete dud.

After a few more failed attempts, I called Adam to let him know his device was worthless.

And the first thing that came out of his mouth was:

“Did you connect the circuit protector to the Infinity Coil?”

Boy did I feel dumb.

I thanked Adam and made the changes that very night.

Then, I tested the Infinity Coil again...

And just like that...

My wife’s phone charger turned on...

So did a few other items.

My own Infinity Coil-inspired device was powering them all...

And it was so quiet, too.

F*** yeah!

I was now ready to put the Infinity Coil to the ultimate test...

So, I simulated Blackout Day by cutting power to the hous

And lo and behold...

The Infinity Coil was powering our entire home

It was incredible...

The oven, the fridge, the washer and dryer, the AC unit... and... even heat!

And boy was it hot.

We had to turn the thermostat down a few degrees compared to normal.

And best of all, my home was now running on reusable, self-sustaining, infinite energy — that was totally FREE

I was finally relieved...

Because I was now certain — that thanks to this device...

I could keep my family safe, no matter what.

A blackout...

A natural disaster...

A total collapse of the power grid...

And, even the chaos as America descends into darkness.

But I didn’t care...

Because I knew MY family was safe.

However, while at church one day... something strange happened

As the Pastor read a line from 2 Corinthians:

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart...

...for God loves a cheerful giver.”

The power SNAPPED off.

And a “switch” went on inside me.

I didn’t even consider the repercussions of what I was about to do...

I just ran down the street to my home and grabbed the Infinity Coil...

And within minutes, the church lit up like a Christmas tree.

However, as I made my way back to my seat... I got all kinds of stares.

Nobody could understand how a device so small, so compact, could light up a room that size, so brightly.

It’s at that point I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

It was my Pastor.

He looked at me, smiled, and said:

“Son, that device is a gift from God...thank you for sharing it.”

I could feel the weight of his words...

And as I looked around the room, seeing all the innocent faces staring back at me...

Men, women and children who had no idea of the impending power grid failure that could happen at any moment...

I couldn’t help but think:


Everything that happened to me over the last few months... happened for a reason.

Maybe it was all a sign from God...

A way to get my attention, so I could help others prepare for the coming Blackout Day?

It sounds kind of crazy...

But I felt a tremendous sense of responsibility to help, not only my own family...

But everyone — including strangers.

And this is WHY I did what I did next.

So, I showed the congregation how to build their own Infinity Coils.

A decision that caused a rift between me and my brother-in-law, Adam

And Adam, if you’re reading this right now...

I truly am sorry.

But this decision was for the greater good.

Andt I know in my heart, that when Blackout Day hits...

And countless lives are saved...

You and Trina will forgive me.

Now, it wasn’t long until folks in my neighborhood, including their friends and families, had free-flowing, off-grid energy — as much or as little as they needed.

And none of them were depending on the frail power grid.

And over the next few weeks, people treated me... different.

They’d smile at me on the street...

They’d stop to shake my hand and thank me...

I even had an older gentleman drop his cane, in the middle of the sidewalk, just so he could give me a hug.

In fact, my family is STILL receiving “thank you” gifts from strangers on a regular basis


It’s kinda funny...

I even noticed I was getting attention from the women in the neighborhood — which my wife wasn’t too happy about.

But that was nothing compared to the attention I was getting from people all over the country...

Asking me to help them build their own Infinity Coil...

Before I knew it, I was spending almost every waking moment on the phone or answering emails from folks who were eager to protect themselves and their family from Blackout Day.

And as much as I enjoy helping others — I’m only one man.

And frankly, I was stretched thin.

So I decided to think BIG...

“How could I get the Infinity Coil blueprint into as many hands as possible... as quickly as possible... without killing myself?”

It suddenly became clear to me what I needed to do...

So I spent the next several weeks poring over all the questions people had about building their own infinity coil...

And to make sure the blueprint was as simple and straightforward as possible... I recruited my 9 year old son to test it... and within 45 minutes, Sam was charging his Playstation with his own Infinity Coil.

That’s when I knew I had created a simple, easy to use, system that not only shows you how to quickly and effortlessly build your own infinity coil — to power virtually every part of your home...

But also use it to not just survive — BUT THRIVE — after Blackout Day.

And that’s when Dark Age Defense™ was born


Dark Age Defense™ is the only foolproof survival blueprint, SPECIFICALLY designed to ensure you and your family are more than prepared for Blackout Day.

Dark Age Defense™ not only takes you by the hand...

And shows you, step-by-step, how to build your own Infinity Coil — AND have it up-and-running in minutes...

But it also reveals the critical steps you and your family MUST take... in order to fully prepare for the aftermath.

Imagine having peace of mind, and knowing — with full certainty — that no matter how long our power grid is down...

Your loved ones will be safe.

And imagine NOT having to rely on the grid to keep ALL your appliances AND electronics running, for as long as you want.

With Dark Age Defense™ by your side...

You won’t have to worry about facing ANY of the repercussions that come with a total collapse of the power grid.

While other folks are scrambling to keep their neck above water...

You and your family will live comfortably in your own self-powered, self-sustainable, private oasis.

And because the consequences of Blackout Day will go far beyond a shattered power grid...

Dark Age Defense™ goes far beyond making your own infinity coil...

Inside this proven, revolutionary, step-by-step system you’ll also discover:

  • The fully legal “felony” that makes the Infinity Coil 261% more efficient than any known power source on the planet. (And how to use this technology to power a “dead” vehicle)Chapter 8
  • The 1st thing you must do when the power grid goes down. (Do this immediately, within the first 30 minutes, to ensure your kids make it to their next birthday). Chapter 1
  • Do you really want to leave your family’s safety up to chance when the lights go out? (That’s why in Chapter 6, I’m going to show you how to generate an “invisible force field” around your home with this technology. The instructions are surprisingly simple.)
  • Does size really matter? (Discover the shocking truth and how it can help guide you to build the perfect-sized Infinity Coil for you and your family.) Chapter 8
  • The #1 most important thing to consider when powering your home. (Do this wrong and the whole system falls apart. Do this right, and you’ll NEVER have to worry about a blackout again.) Chapter 5
  • Infinity Coil Squared = town hero? Want to discover the simple method for making 7 Infinity Coils at once — in no extra time or cost? Then you’ll want to turn to chapter 7. Warning: please do NOT sell your extra infinity coils for a profit. Just lend them your copy of Dark Age Defense.
  • Want to power your car? Boat? Or even a small building? Then you’ll love the “Cosmo” Generator. (This Infinity Coil “cheat code” literally PULLS electricity from air. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s real. In fact, its makers filed a patent for it 1921 — before they mysteriously “died.”) Chapter 5
  • Protect your Infinity Coil from thieves using nothing but a pencil. (This simple “pencil trick” will not only make your power source virtually “theft proof” but will give potential thieves “the shock of their lives.”) Chapter 7
  • “Fisher Price Toy Hack.” (How to use a $5 Fisher Price toy to build an Infinity Coil. Perfect if you’re on an ultra-tight budget and need “unlimited” power ASAP. Just don’t tell your kids... ) Chapter 7
  • The Infinity Coil’s Biblical Origins (How the Infinity Coil PROVES — without a shadow of a doubt — that God DOES exist.)
  • And much much more…

In fact, because Blackout Day will disrupt every part of our lives – food, water, and of course electricity…

Dark Age Defense is much more than a step-by-step system that takes you by the hand and practically builds an Infinity Coil for you…

It’s also your complete “compass” that guarantees you and your family have everything you need to navigate the dark times ahead.

Dark Age Defense™ is available ONLY on this website...

And only for as long as I’m allowed to share it — which may not be for long.

Remember, our power grid is so fragile, it could collapse at any moment.

And there WON’T be a formal warning.

And when Blackout Day suddenly strikes...

Your ability to get your hands on Dark Age Defense™ and protect your family, will be lost forever.

At which point, the only option you and your family will have... is to depend on the government for help.

And we’ve all seen how that’s worked out in the past.

Dark Age Defense™ has already helped thousands of Americans —

Giving them, not only peace of mind...

But also...

A way to SLASH their energy bills... so they can live life on their terms.

It’s even turned small farms in rural America… into beacons of light…

That will not just survive – BUT THRIVE during the dark times ahead

Imagine being one of the only lighthouses in a sea of darkness…

Imagine never having to worry about your little ones going cold or hungry…

Because you have taken the action necessary to protect them…

Imagine living in peace and comfort… while the rest of the world anguishes in turmoil…

And having more than enough power for you and your family… enough to help others in need around you…

Just think how your family will feel when they know you’ve done everything you can to keep them safe and sound…

No matter what happens once the lights go out.

And best of all...

Even IF the blackout lasts over a year — like many of our U.S. Senators are predicting.

Dark Age Defense™ will give you the confidence and courage you’ll need... when we enter a modern day Dark Age that, according to NASA scientist Dr. Richard Garwin, “could happen as early as next week.”

When you get your hands on Dark Age Defense™ today...

You won’t have to invest $1,500...

Which is what the average American spends on electricity each year…

And you won’t have to spend countless hours... figuring how to put together a reliable, self-sufficient power source

And like I said before...

This isn’t about the money for me.

See, I don’t think money is going to have much value soon.

And that’s because, once Blackout Day hits, the U.S. dollar will likely CRASH... and it’s entirely possible that ENERGY will replace it as the new currencyad

That’s why, the only reason I’m even charging people for this blueprint...

... is to keep this website up and running.

And perhaps, more importantly, to help get the word out to as many people as possible.

With that said, I don’t want something as trivial as price to get in the way of the safety you and your family deserve.

When I first released Dark Age Defense™...

I asked people what they would pay for this one-of-kind system...

And many of them were offering $250.

However, as reasonable as $250 bucks is for most folks…

And as much as that would help me get the word out even more…

And even though Dark Age Defense™ could easily help you save ove $1,500 on your energy bills, this year alone...

I know that $250 bucks may still be out of reach for some people.

So then I thought...

Why not cut the price in half and just ask for $125 bucks?

I know most people can afford that.

Especially when you consider this system could save your family from power outages.

So, $125 bucks is more than fair.

But then I asked myself…

Is there anyone — even a single person — who couldn’t afford $125 because it was too much money?

And that’s when I knew I had to go even further.

So today, all I ask is that you make a one-time investment of just $67...

As a way to help cover my website costs… so critically, I can continue to get the word out as quickly as possible.

For only 18 cents a day, the complete Dark Age Defense™ system is yours...

Just a few pennies to guarantee your family will live safely AND comfortably once the lights go out.

The only thing I ask in return, for practically GIVING you Dark Age Defense™


You see, since you and I both know what’s likely going to happen...

It’s our MORAL RESPONSIBILITY... to not only get the word out, but to also share the ONLY solution with as many people as possible.

Now, to get started just click the button you see right now…

From there, you’ll be taken to a safe and secure order form...

Where you can enter in your details...

And within 2 minutes from now...

Have instant access to Dark Age Defense™ and be on your way to true energy independence… and much much more

So please, secure your personal copy of Dark Age Defense™ while you still can…

And join the ranks of countless other Americans who took action and took control of their destiny…

Add To Cart

See, even though most people who get their hands on Dark Age Defense™ have called it “Brilliant”...

“So easy to use”...

“A lifesaver”...

And even though some folks have called it “a proven way to slash your energy bills”...

There’s only so much Dark Age Defense™ can do.

I’m not going to sit here and promise that — with this proven blueprint — you and your family will remain unscathed as our power grid collapses.

Bottom line?

Dark Age Defense™ can’t prevent Blackout Day from arriving.

No one can. Not even the U.S. Government.

For that reason, when you secure your copy of Dark Age Defense™ today...

I’m going to give you some powerful tools that will help you during the uncertain and unprecedented times ahead:

BLACKOUT DAY SHIELD #1: Produce Oasis — a $59 value, yours FREE...


See, once our power goes out, certain foods — that are ESSENTIAL for survival — are going to vanish.

Produce Oasis will show you how to grow your own produce — even if you live in a tiny apartment and don’t have a backyard.

You don’t need acres of farmland to enjoy months of hearty, nutrient-dense food.

Inside Produce Oasis, you’ll discover:

  • The “Sock Fertilizer Method.” (An easy way to supercharge your produce-growth, naturally, in a fraction of the time. All you need is 2 cups of soil, ice, and and a used sock)
  • How to grow the 3 “Vampire Supernutrients.” 7X more potent than your multivitamin (They need ZERO light, yet they’re so nutritious... you could eat them, and them alone to maintain a healthy, strong body19. Best of all? It will cost you less than $1 buck)
  • The #1 “Junk Food” For childhood development.(Even though this strange nutrient tastes like candy, it’s chock full of copper, which is essential for bone development, heart health, and immune function – all critical when hospitals are closed.20,21)
  • My top 3 “ANY Climate” foods.(Although these foods may taste bland they grow like weeds, in ANY climate. Plus they stay fresh for weeks, without refrigeration) Page 3
  • And much much more…

Now look...

Once Blackout Day hits...

YOU will have power — but the water companies WON’T.

Which means, by the time your water gets to you... it could be contaminated.

That’s why I’ve included:

BLACKOUT DAY SHIELD #2: Water On Demand — a $59 value, yours FREE..


Water On Demand includes everything you need to know about making... filtering… transporting... and storing... clean drinking water.

Inside, you’ll discover...

  • The 16-Second Submarine Test. (An incredibly accurate, equipment-free way to find out when your water is safe to use after the power goes out
  • Mineral Supercharge. (How to supercharge your water’s mineral content so it’s cleaner, better tasting, fresher, and delivers more health benefits than ANY so-called “premium” water you could buy at the store. So your family can fight off any potential infections – remember Blackout Day = hospitals without power)
  • DIY Water Force Field Filter. (Unlike regular sediment filters, this $0.25 cent filter — which you can make at home using nothing BUT a toilet paper roll — removes all of the water toxins that make their way into your water supply, once the power goes down22)
  • And much much more…

BLACKOUT DAY SHIELD #3: Bulletproof Bugout — a $59 value, yours FREE...


No one knows what’s going to happen when the lights go out.

Again, we’re venturing into unprecedented and unpredictable times.

So to help guarantee you and your loved ones are fully prepared, I’m also going to give you Bulletproof Bugout.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

  • How to make your own 72-hour Special Forces survival kit. (This military-inspired, ELITE kit will help you THRIVE for 72-hours — or longer — in full-on riots, war-torn areas, or even “Purge-like” scenarios.
  • The 5 “kindergarten” questions you must ask before putting together your Bugout Bag. (Kindergarteners ask these childish questions every day, yet, oddly enough... they’re CRUCIAL if you want to put together the most optimal survival kit.)
  • Geronimo Geo Tracking. (Ancient native American “technology” that was used to track prey, and navigate through treacherous terrain. And because it uses ZERO power, this technology will be even more valuable to you after Blackout Day.)
  • And much much more…

BLACKOUT DAY SHIELD #4: Off Grid Escape — a $59 value, yours FREE...


Look, I’m not going to sugar coat it.

No one knows when Blackout Day will arrive. And maybe you’re at a point in life where you can relocate your entire family.

In Off Grid Escape, I’m going to show you 7 safe havens that are immune to Blackout Day...

That are freedom-friendly, have state-of-the-art power grids, and will allow you to live like a King.

Best of all, I’ll show you how to get to these hidden utopias without power. (Hint: Pablo Escobar used this method to smuggle 200 metric tons of cocaine to the US, undetected)

And much, much more.

So, to recap:

These 4 life-saving gifts — a $239 value — are yours FREE when you invest in Dark Age Defense today.

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If that sounds fair to you, then click the button you see right now to get started… while you still can…

Now, because you’ve read this far...

I know you’re part of the “new” 1%...

Who are going to be prepared as America’s power grid collapses.

And with this knowledge comes responsibility...

And the opportunity to join the ONLY blackout survival community on the planet...

BlackOut Survival Specialists, better known as:


B.O.S.S. is a tight-knit, 24/7, online community..

Made up of true patriots who’ll do ANYTHING in their power...

To keep their loved ones safe once America plunges into darkness.

You’ll get the latest updates on Blackout Day, as government information about this impending threat either leaks or becomes declassified.

You’ll also get your questions answered by top experts who’ve been living the “off grid” lifestyle for decades.

You’ll even get access to me.

And I’ll do my best to answer your questions regarding the Infinity Coil... Blackout Day...

Or anything else regarding being prepared about this monumental, capsizing event.

Remember, this is the only invitation you will EVER get to join the B.O.S.S.

So click the button you see right now to get instant access to Dark Age Defense, the 4 life-saving gifts, and your exclusive 24/7 access to B.O.S.S...

And because I know you’ve yet to experience the life-changing power of Dark Age Defense…

And have yet to see your electric bill practically vanish…

I want to make this investment today a no brainer.

That’s why I’m protecting you with


“My Unlimited Power 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee”

Here’s how it works:

Unfortunately, the likelihood of Blackout Day occuring in the next 60 days, or sooner — is higher than you think, especially if these top government officials and NASA scientists are correct.

So here’s my promise to you:

If Blackout Day DOESN’T arrive in the next 60 days...

And, I really hope it doesn’t...

Just call me anytime you like...

And I will give you a full, no questions asked refund..

And YES, when you invest in Dark Age Defense today, you’ll get my personal phone number too.

And if you decide this system isn’t for you...

For any reason whatsoever — even if you NEVER open the blueprint...

I’ll pay you back every penny, and you can keep EVERYTHING:

Dark Age Defense...

Produce Oasis...

Water on Demand...

Bulletproof Bugout...

And Off Grid Escape — ALL YOURS TO KEEP...

A $465 value...

If you change your mind for any reason at all.

Because I know in my heart... that one day you’re going to need all of this...

And I don’t want money to get in the way of your family’s safety.

So click the button you see right now to “lock in” your spot, and safeguard this material before it’s too late.

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Now, there’s something else you need to know (and it’s very, VERY important)...

Based on the evidence from U.S. Senators and National Security Officials...

Once our power grid goes down...

It’s going to be a monumental event that will have a HUGE ripple effect...

That will impact every aspect of your life...

And it will have far greater consequences than ANYTHING America has ever experienced.

Sadly, the truth is...

Millions of lives are at stake.

Innocent men, women, and children — who would’ve otherwise had long, prosperous lives...

Are NOT going to make it once we plunge into darkness.

And I would HATE for you — or anyone you know — to become a statistic

That’s why I’m URGING you to take advantage of the ONLY blueprint on the planet...

Specifically designed to protect you and your loved ones as the clock winds down to the inevitable Blackout Day.

The Dark Age Defense™ system is easy to consume.

In fact, you could probably finish it in a single sitting...

And it’s the only way to ensure you and your loved ones have “unlimited”, free-flowing, off grid power...

As much or as little as you need.

And don’t forget, you’re protected by my 100% risk-free, 60-day money-back guarantee.

So there is absolutely no risk on your part.

And EVEN IF...

Blackout Day doesn’t arrive next week, next month, next year — or ever...

If Homeland Security...

U.S. Ambassador, James Woolsey...

OEIS Director, Joseph McClelland...

NASA scientist, Dr. Richard Garwin...

Or any of the other high-ranking officials I’ve mentioned in this presentation — including me — are wrong about Blackout Day...

At the very least...

Dark Age Defense, and the life-saving gifts you get with it…

... will help SLASH your power bills, save you money, and enjoy the freedom that comes with living an off-grid lifestyle

But remember...

If we’re right...

The moment Blackout Day arrives, this website — along with every other website on the internet — is going to vanish, instantly.

So don’t hesitate another second.

Click the button you see right now and get started right away.

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Again, my name is Paul Grabowski...

And I hope this message reaches you in time.

Paul Grabowski


You still might have some questions, and that’s alright.

I’m going to take a moment to quickly answer the most common ones I get.

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